Hi All,
We've currently got a 10% sale on a number of beautiful plants in our nursery. These plants include...
Currently in flower, this aster is probably better known as the Michaelmas Daisy and is the mainstay of the herbaceous border.
Also in flower now, polemonium caeruleaum 'album' is a beautiful cottage garden plant hailing from England, better known as 'Jacob's ladder'. Strong stems carry masses of pure white, open bell-shaped flowers over a long flowering season.
One of the best pulmonarias for the Auckland region, this plant is a colourful, low maintenance ground cover plant which grows best in partial shade.
Large upward facing flowers are deep red and held above sword like leaves during the summer. Crocosmia masonorum 'Mt. Stewart' loves full sun or light shade.
Upright stems and flowers forming a deep mauvey matt make prunella grandiflora 'bella blue' excellent for ground cover.
Another English plant, this primula is very easy to grow and holds dainty deep red flowers with gold bands around the petals.