Pricing and Quotes

Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
We find that more gets accomplished when working in teams of 2 or 3. We usually do a morning shift of around 4 hours in a garden, but everything is flexible. For smaller jobs, such as lawn mowing, one team member may be sent. Minimum 2 hours.
Rebecca @ $55 per hour + GST
+ each team member @ $45 per hour + GST
Rubbish removal
Half hour labour charge is added for removing and dumping waste.
Tip fee for 1 cubic metre green waste is $40, flax etc is $55 (GST inc.)
We also recommend gorilla bags and bunnings flexi-bins.
Extra charges
Extra, itemised charges will be added for:
Travel surcharge of $60 (inc. fuel) + GST applies to any property over 15km from our base in Waiuku.
Tools and equipment - around $30 + GST
Plants/fertiliser - varying, we are able to source wholesale plants.
Design Work
Rebecca is available for one off garden consultations @ $185 + GST which includes a landscape design consultation and written report.
For full scale landscape design, concept and planting plans please get in touch.